Friday, September 20, 2013

Its getting old... Guns & guvbment!

...  I'm starting to think that I'm m going insane...  I live in a country that seems to value gun ownership more than taking care of the least of us...  And the idea of a mass shooting has become almost blasé: like this is what we should expect nowadays in the U. S....

Now step back and think.... And be honest....  It's become pretty common now,  hasn't it?..  Mass shooting...  Lets seriously ask ourselves; why? And more importantly,  what explains it,  or justifies it?

I take the US Constitution as a contextual document...  Both in the period context (read Washinton's Militia acts,  the whiskey rebellion,  etc)  or the literal (... A well regulated militia.,  et,  al.)...  But as times  change,  so must our outlook...

.. .  Get this through your thick,  stubborn and your one-soldier,  fantasy-addled fucking head...  The 2nd amendment was designed for the defense of our newly-formed government,  not for its overthrow...  Mostly in fear of a standing army... (please look up the notes of the original constitutional convention,  if u doubt..  If you're intellectually honest,  you'll get it..)...

    And like it or not,  society requires rules...  And,  again,  like it or not,  government is our main tool for guiding society,  at least in a semi-democratic one....  *That* was the true revolutionary  thought of our revolution...  Not of the *one*.. But the "e pluribus unim. "...  Pluribus comes first....

      So maybe instead of arming yourselves to the teeth,  flying the Gadsen flag and bitching about the "guvb'ment," maybe you should start taking part,  taking an interest,  and most importantly getting big money OUT of it...  Only then,  will it be for the people again...

   I don't know of any reasonable person who wants to ban firearms outright...  And I for one am for expansion of access to even full automatic/explosive devices,  if you demonstrate competency,  responsibility,  and a willingness to serve our community / country within the context of territorial defense .. And am even in suppourt of the right of you to bear arms on your property,  provided your weapons cannot extend lethality into another property... Go for broke,  man!

   But lets use our heads....  People are freaking out about the **totally** imagined threat of a blanket firearms ban..  Which does not exist,  at least in even the most "liberal" of American politicians serving now...

Yet many of the same people see the same threat from an admittedly half-assed,  timid attempt at affordable (yet not universal) health care...

...  Can you,  as a human,  *really* make that ethically work,  if u even have a shred of decency and empathy?...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Pre-birthday blessing... 

from my many friends...

    A wonderful facebook thread, from my many suppourters.... I love you ALL!!!

I have been considering deleting my last status post, based on a very disturbing response that I received from it....

.. but I'm not gonna.... nor am I going to "un-friend" the person that sent it (though the specific post has been deleted).... that individual remains my friend, though, I question their motivations in posting such a response.... And I hope that you can forgive that person in their mis-understanding...

I pray, that they do not know, that in several points in my life, have seriously considered the most selfish act one can do: Suicide.... And have, day by day, found reasons, and rationales to not go through with it...

I have, since I was 14 or so, dealt with a psychological disorder called Depression... I, through an amazing life-Sheppard (my Mum) was able to recognize and get treated for it early, it was a tough battle in my mid-to-late teens, and more recently, in my mid-to-late thirties....and it continues, as much as I hate to admit it, to this day....

Pharmaceuticals have helped, and I will be taking them until the day I die.... I know and accept that.. and they do help... And still, sometimes find myself find myself in very dark places, yes, sometimes with good reasons... But at other times... for no particular resaon at all....

And those who aren't going through depression... Please don't say that you understand... because you really don't.... But please just understand and accept it, dig? No harm, no foul.... just say/ask"okay; I hear you.., What can I do?", read up on it, and try and do what you can....
Also, understand.... The suicidal mind is not about "ending it all for a particular reason."... so cliché like it's "a permanant solution to a temporary problem" or "it's a selfish act" or even "it's an unforgivable sin" honestly do not factor in to the suicidal mindset....
Think or it rather as a White-hot neon sign and a deafening loudspeaker blasting the word "*PAIN*.. **PAIN**... ***PAIN!!!***" over and over again in a dark and silent room, and you'd do almost ANYTHING to make it stop.... even if those around you would tell you otherwise.... you just want it to STOP!!!

... And that... at least in my experiences, has been what it's like in my battle w/ depression....

And I find great solace in little things.. even if it's something as absurd as "My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic"...

so.... you still want me to "eat a rifle"?..... I await your response.....
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Thursday, August 30, 2012

a quick addendum....for the true believers (whatever that means)

if you're unconvinced by my post, and wish to vote a purely "pro-life" ticket... you have only 3 options:

1.) write in "Rick Santorum" as your presidential pick..... he, in my anylasis, is really the only "true believer" on this topic. By your defininion, it's the only choice you have that even has a shot of criminalizing abortion. God Bless him... I think he's simply primeval in his ideas, but to be honest, he's the only one that I think was even close to sincere about his beliefs...

2.) pick someone else who may fit this ticket

3.) don't vote in this federal presidential election.... stick to the local., if someone on your ticket has a anti-choice position and a history to back it up, that is...

it seems harsh, but again, if you wanna stick to your guns, you have no other choice....

the harsh truth... Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are strait-out lying to you..... they couldn't give a rat's ass about social issues... check out both of their histories....they're economic idealougues; nothing more, nothing less (whether you think that's good or bad)..... and they're flat out lying to your face about this kind of stuff.....

next topic.... Catholic lawsuits against the Obama administration regarding coverage of contraception. (or the tyrany of the democratic populace in concert w/ a governmentaly-regulated consortium of private insurance companies covering said services/products [withstanding religious exemptions]...

....versus an "oppressed", multi-multi-multi-million-dollar landowning, gender-discriminating, pedophile-hiding, , tax-free religious org who wish to legislate morality/limit access to reasonable quality of life issues and dictate to their followers for whom they must vote under penalty of damnation/venial/mortal sin....
sounds fair.... Just what Jefferson was hoping for, I'm sure.... so much for the grand American experiment of constitutional democracy......God save us all.....

standby for that....

Counter-Attack ... A preface...

a long overdue attack against the Roman Catholic and fundamentalist/evangelical religious right

That's right I said attack....  I'm sick of defending...and I will not apologize for my views... I've endured and acknowledged, without retort, other people's views recently... but this is my site, and i'll defend my beliefs without apologies....

if I piss you off.... that's kinda' your problem....

 talk to me, and i'll engage you in heart-felt debate, if you truly want an honest discussion....

but if you want to be a dick and bloviate with dogma, egoism and jingoism, i will fucking DESTROY you..... please be forewarned...


                Lemme lay out some background first.... I am by no means, Anti-Catholic... I was, to a certain degree, educated in part, by Catholic institutions, and hold many values that they, as a body of moral and spiritual action, hold dear.... The Roman Catholic church, as a global institution, has done more for the poor and oppressed than almost any other institution in the world. My beef is not with the spirit of their faith, or with the sane followers of it... nor even with their leaders.... Pope Benedict XVI, Jean Paul II, etc. are/were, I concede, the de-facto leaders of the Christian faith in the world... seriously.... god bless 'em...
but.... one thing brings me here... the Idea that a "Pro-choice" candidate can, and will, dissuade some voters, dissregarding *All* other issues,  from voting for them...
let me get one thing straight.... the idea of "Pro-Life" is, in and of itself, a misnomer.... Just about *everyone* I know is "Pro-life"...the conventional-wisdom antithesis, is of course, pro choice.... this is *not* a misnomer... the difference, is a point of legislation...

..... I believe in choice....

                the right wing argument, of course, the idea if a person is pro-choice, than one is pro-abortion....  intellectually, this is false. I can be against the idea of abortion, but at the same time, hold in my head the same idea that in a certain circumstance, another person may come to the conclusion that an abortion may be the best choice for them.... This doesn't mean I'm for it.... it just means that another person may have reached a different conclusion than me...

if you can't parse the two ideas, than you're a fool....a complete and utter fool....(or intellectually inept and/or dishonest)

     too harsh?... let me reiterate....
                A woman is impregnated, in the worst-case scenario, with the seed of her father/brother/rapist/etc....  Do you really feel comfortable *legaly demanding* that she carry to term the product of said rape?
                Lastly...  and I guess here's my real point.... As a carrier of the flag of the "rights of the unborn."...
 What's your endgame?  ***PLEASE*** if you're sincere, ask yourself this question....

Do you want to,
                A.) end abortion?
                B.) Criminalize those who choose it?
if you wish to end abortion, here's what you need to do...

1. Provide honest, frank and explicit sexual education to both young men and women.  No exceptions; no hang-ups, and no shame....Human beings *will* have sex... always did, and always will... the quicker you recognize this, the quicker we will solve the abortion symptom (and... btw.... unwanted pregnancy is the problem, ... abortion is but the symptom..)

2. Acknowledge that despite education, some young people will engage in sexual activity, sometimes irresponsibly....

3.provide any and all sorts of contraception, to whomever needs it, whenever they need it....  Screw religious ideals.... I'm convinced that *millions*  of abortions could have been avoided if condoms were freely available... Which is the lesser  of evils? Abortion or a "jimmy-hat"?... Asking you directly, Benedict XVI.... Which is it, oh Vicar of Christ?..... 

4. Rape is real, and *never* "asked for", whatever the circumstance.... Women bear most of the scars.... This is reality..... BURN THIS IN TO YOUR LITTLE SEXIST BRAIN!!!

5. If pregnancy is a result of said sexual irresponsibility, provide as many options as possible for the frightened and vulnerable woman bearing the pregnancy ... and educate the corresponding male his responsibility.... and as Jesus said," Judge not, or you may be judged".....

6.  I, because I lack a Uterus/Vagina/Ovaries/Etc. CANNOT dictate what a woman does with them.... End of discussion.... Fellow penis-bearers; we just don't have a dog in that race, you dig?...

7. Have mercy and sympathy for those who decide to end a pregnancy, no matter the circumstance. It is never an easy choice, but It should NEVER make a woman a felon...

... this is my take on the abortion thing..... 

more to come, my lovely's..... I've got "A LOT " more to say.....

Namaste', bitches..... for now.....

Thursday, March 01, 2012

My letter to Olympia Snowe, (R), Maine

 to the Honorable Olympia Snowe,

    Thank you so much for your recent vote against the Blunt bill in senate this week. I want to also thank you for your service to our country, esp. in light of your recent decision to not seek re-election to the Senate. I am a staunch Democrat, but though I may differ from your views on many issues, I value your contributions to patriotic civil debate, so vital to our survival as a nation... I hope many decent, fair-minded and idealistic Americans, both Republican and Democratic; conservative *and* liberal Americans follow in your footsteps.... having said that, I do wish you'd reconsider... We need SO many more like you....



that is all... hopefully, more to come soon.....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

...a first impresion of an infant revolution..... an open letter...

To my brother and sister Libyans, 

                I speak to you not as a brother in the literal sense, nor as in the 'countryman'  sense.... more as a brother who, in a historical sense, understands the sacrifice and courage it takes to throw the yoke of oppression off of yourselves and fling yourselves into the void of the unknown... as my country did two-hundred and thirty-five years ago...

                Shit.. we didn't know what we were doing.... it took us 12 years to really get the words right, and it has taken us the rest of that time up to now  to tweak, modify, and ratify even a semblance of what we call a just society... fraught with arguments, assassinations, turmoil, bigotry, hatred, ... even a civil war... the fight's not done, and it will never end.... revolution is a constant in a free society, and it may be rough for y'all, especially in the next few years... 

                But somehow.... some-way... my country has come back together... and has preserved a union that can listen to its citizens and not ended shooting each other in the streets... revolution after revolution... Though our's was much less bloodier than many others in the modern era, it doesn't mean that it has any less cost...

but god help us.... my belief in my neighbor, and a belief that a government that represents ME... and looks out for me... shit.. is made UP OF ME (i.e. of the people, by the people and FOR the people) compels me to keep believing in it... even if the Idea is that is all that's left....
      Just keep striving for it.... That's really the only chance ANY of us have got... remember; we're all in this together.... and if we loose that idea (i.e. develop an "us vs. government" mentality),  then we are done.. and are thus subject to the powers that you have just freed yourself from... 

LORD knows, we still have a long way to do you.... My heart is truly with you all, and I wish you the best.... Your blood was not spilled in vain; it flows in the hearts of all free men/women, and always will...


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What happens when the 1st amendment gets into a rumble with the 2nd?

... and how does "A well regulated Militia" factor into it? (the first phrase in the second amendment)..... was Mr. Loughner a part of said militia?

    I guess I don't really understand why in the realm of a whole bunch of people being " strict constitutionalists", why the whole "well regulated milita" thing is ignored..... not that I'm against it, mind you.... maybe we could benifit from say, neighborhood drills, in the community park.... or straight-out conscription in state national guard units.... or even community service in leiu of military-type service....

... but what is offered... honestly.. intellectually.... in reflection of that clause in our constitution?...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I''d like to talk about guns...

that is... firearms... and because of recent events, maybe a request.... or not... I haven't decided yet...

    a brief history of me and firearms....

   I grew up with them.... one of my fondest childhood memories was going to the gun range with my dad... I must have been like, 8 or 9 , the first time..... man, he had a pretty cool arsenal... an old Kentucky flintlock.... a Hawken percussion-cap rifle... a civil war era black powder revolver..... a .22 cal Irma ( a Luger replica)... a .22 revolver... a .22 lever-action rifle... a 9mm Rueger Semi... pretty much running the gamut of the last 300 years of firearms.. (man, I even out-shot the rangemaster at RTC great lakes with his own .357 at the pistol range there!..).... I still contend that I'm a pretty good shot, and even though I've not held a chambered one in over 20 years...

       What my dad had instilled in me though, is a healthy respect for not only what they are, but for what they can do.... He taught me to point one only at what you intend to destroy.... not only put a neat/clean hole in, but to utterly destroy [i.e. kill]; that is, to respect a firearm...***
      My point though is this... firearms are not as romantic as American culture would lead you to believe.... they are a means of putting a hole into something using ignited gas and a bit of metal... they can be a source of recreation...They can get you dinner... they can  help you survive, yes... they can even help win wars!..... but they are nothing more than a tool... not sexy and not  romantic by any means...

      if I could do one thing, it would be to strip away the image of say, John Wayne, fanning a six-gun salvo of shots, or Dirty Harry taking out a bad guy w/ his .44 mag, and instead replacing that image w/ a long-assed video of what those rounds actually do to human tissue....

     Maybe replacing a 4 second quasi-cool-imagined/romanticized movie shootout with the 4 hours of surgery reqiured to replace a semblance of a face that was shredded with said bullet might bring some perspective... That's the real cost, man....

I wanna talk more, but I gotta go to bed.... I hope Congresswoman Gifford recovers okay, and I hope the rest of the survivors make it as well.... the whole situation makes me wanna barf....

namaste, bitches...


  ***  [ a side note--- This topic goes much deeper with me.... if you wanna know more, please write me, esp concerning things like self-harm and mental illness... it is much more personal than what I want to post here, but if you want to know, please write me individually... it's important, but very dark.. If you want to know and are sincere, I will share... if you'd rather not know, please don't ask....]***